
Monday, July 8, 2013

dewey's wedding

A couple of weekends ago, I went to my cousin Dewey's wedding in Florence, Alabama. It was beautiful and so much fun! He is the first of my cousins to get married, can you believe it?! On with the pictures! There are about 23480 of them.. Warning, this post may only be interesting to family members. 

On Friday night was the rehearsal dinner. My mom, Binky, and I all met in Bham and drove up on Friday afternoon. Most of the other cousins were able to attend! 

Andrea and myself

Terrell and her man, Walker.

Andrea showing off the place cards I got to help make! Woo! 

Me and my sissy with little baby Daegan. 

More shots of the place cards. I walked into the hotel right when my cousins were walking through about to sit at one of the tables and write them. Naturally I volunteered to do them! 

I finally got to hold the baby. He is the SWEETEST thing. I think he only fussed a couple times during the entire weekend!  

Messing with Neanie.

Binky and Terrell, cousies! 

All the cousins that were present with Carrie and Dewey. Left to right: 
Shelley, Ashley, Binky, Terrell, Carrie, Dewey, me, and Andrea with Daegan. 

The Brannon girls (Dewey's sisters) with the happy couple

Neanie with the boyfriends, Walker and Josh! I think she told both of them she would marry them if she was younger haha! 

Andrea and Shelley, Auburn roomies! 

Once we got back to the hotel, we all gathered in Aunt Dale and Uncle Al's room for..



He kept crawling away, so she had to scoop him up. 

There's a video somewhere, as you can see with Auntie Dale up there recording.

Woo! Done! 

Yayyy! Presenting baby Simba Daegan! 

After that, we all met in the lobby to tie up birdseed and have some beverages. We literally took over the hotel. I'm sure they were thrilled when we were gone! 

Dewey's cousin's on the other side, Spencer and Brannon, Dewey and Uncle Al

You can see all the others in the back. There were twice as many as this earlier, I just didn't get pictures. 

We went to Rosie's Cantina the next day for lunch. I love the signage and awning!

Waiting for our seats! 

It was yummy and on the way out, Walker escorted the Neanster. She told him again she would marry him if she was younger haha! 

Next up was the wedding! It was at a house in Florence with a beautiful yard and glorious backyard garden (where the reception was). Here's my beautimous Aunt Robin, whom I call Auny Ruby. 

Andrea, me, and Binky

The new Brannon clan. 

Now with Dewey's grandmothers, Mama Lou and Neanie

Another cousin pic! Brother made it up for the wedding. Again, in case you can't remember all our faces: 
me, Ashley, Terrell, Binky, Dewey, Shelley with Daegan, Andrea, and Brother

Dewey had to run off, so naturally we posed for a few shots. 

Somehow Brother got to hold Daegan, and it was hilarious how uncomfortable he was. 

I caught the cake cutting just in time! 

At the reception!

Bink a link.

Lovely sunset! 

Dewey and Brannon posing! 

ALLLLL of the cousins on both sides! 

The Newman cousins! I think my aunt got a better shot, but this was the best I got haha. 

Josh, Shelley's boyfriend, caught the garter. Woo! Everyone started chanting: Shelley! Shelley! Shelley! It was hilarious! 

Binky's "date" hahaha!

The awesome watermelon cutout. 

Auburn cousins! 

Neanie and Auntie Dale. 

Hanging out on the porch. 

We started getting a little crazy after dark.. 

The sisters, Aunt Robin, Aunt Dale, and my ma. Somehow I failed to get a picture with Aunt Terri! She had left at this point, or else we would've done one. 

fam jam! 

I got a picture of the Yelverton siblings, and Brother had his eyes closed. 

Once I showed them, I got this hilarious shot: 

And then this one. hahah! 

Me and Ashley. Somehow I ended up with the flower girl's crown. 

Terrell and Walker

All of the "oldest" children! Ma, me, Ashley, and Andrea

And the middle child, Terrell, makes an appearance! 

And all the babies of the family! Walker, Brannon, Shelley, Brother, Binky, and Aunt Ruby. 

Bink with Daegan. She was obsessed with the bb. 

Brother modeled for us a bit!


The precious new Brannon family! 

Things got a bit crazy afterward when Uncle Al took a few of us to the bar. We tried to find karaoke, but there was none. Boo. Apparently there are only 2 or 3 bars in Florence. University of North Alabama is there so there were some college students who were thrilled with our presence! 

Most especially with this: 

And even more with this:

Girl cousies! 

Ashley and Uncle Al

Binky and Brannon, twoooo of a kiiiind

Walker was a good sport with our crazy family all weekend. 

Speaking of crazy..

And wine teeth to finish off everything! 

Hahaha! I love being with my fam, especially now that we're all older and can go out together. Three to five years apart is a lot when you're little (13yo can't really play with 17yo, ya know?), but now that we're 24-28, we all just mesh together. I can't wait for the next get together! 

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