
Monday, August 19, 2013

alabama goods

Guess who just got some art into a new store?! 

Alabama Goods is the newest store carrying my stuff! WOO! They are practically a two for one! The main location is in downtown Homewood, AL (part of Birmingham), and they have another new location in Tuscaloosa, AL! 

I know, I know. For the biggest Auburn fan on the planet, it's a little tough to handle, but for the business owner in me, it is amazeballs! My stuff at AuburnArt is doing so well, I knew I need to appeal to the other school in the state! 

Alabama Goods got me to make these tags to go on my pieces that have my logo and tell where my art is made. I love that I get to put them on there! Perhaps I'll start doing that for art shows.. 

I love the products at Alabama Goods. If you're in the area and you're looking for something locally made in Alabama, you should definitely check it out. 

In fact, I bought this piece below! Wood in the shape of Alabama. Is this right up my alley, or what?! My tag was made out of paper, but this artist's tag was made out of a wood slice! HOW AWESOME! 

I love these coasters in the shape of AL made out of old carpet.

Who can resist this lovely tray in the shape of Alabama? I guess I would prefer something blue than crimson.. 

These cute AL wine bottle charms could also double as ornaments. Love! 

In my opinion, these pillows are too cute for words. I love the patterns! 

Not everything is AL shaped, like these cute bird houses. 

Right before I left, they hung one of my Birmingham string arts! EEE! 

Several of the Tuscaloosa string arts went to the Ttown location. How exciting! If you're in the area, go check out Alabama Goods! Here are the addresses: 

Homewood location:

2933 18th Street South
Homewood, AL
across from Savage's Bakery

Tuscaloosa location:

1400A University Blvd.
Tuscaloosa, AL 
on the strip next to Jimmy John's 

I am so excited to be a part of Alabama Goods! 

(sorry for the fuzzy iPhone pics in this post!)


  1. What a cool little shop! I wish there was one like that in this area. Congrats on getting your stuff featured there. :)
