
Thursday, August 1, 2013

beautiful lengths

If you recall from a past bloggie post, I am donating my hair to Pantene's Beautiful Lengths. They give real hair wigs to women with cancer.

Click here for their site if you'd like more information! I think I've mentioned before, but my mom had breast cancer, so this cause is near and dear to me. Thankfully, she will be 10 years in the clear in October! Woowoo! 

Some prerequisites were to have at least 8 inches of hair and it couldn't be colored. SIDE NOTE: I looked up Locks of Love and they DO accept colored hair, so long as it doesn't have bleach in it (which most highlights do, they said). So if you darken your hair, they might accept it, or maybe your highlights don't have bleach. I had several people express that they would donate their own if somewhere took colored hair, so I thought I'd mention it. 

Since I don't color my hair, I'm not sure why I didn't start donating hair earlier than my 28th year on Earth, but better late than never! I decided about a year ago that I wanted to grow it out to donate it. Here I am around that time, and you can see it was a decent length. Only a few more inches, right? 

Well, I went and got all attached to it, so I didn't cut it months ago when I should have. Oh well. More to donate, right?! Here I am yesterday morning a couple hours before the big chop: 

Down to my hip bone. Such a hippie!

I went to lunch with my roomie Katie, and she so nicely took some non-selfie before pictures for me. Down to my hands on my sides! 

Good grief, I had no idea it went this far down my back before seeing this picture. Also, what's with the weird hair part?! Anyone else have this? It got rained on earlier during the day, so the nice straightening job I did got a bit frizzy. 

"Get one of it touchin' my butt." 

Soon after, it was time for the big chop! Below are the closest same-pose shots I had!

I dig it! I made this pic stitch below (it's an app if you want to make collages yourself) with the B&A and the cut hair! 

Gah, it doesn't look like that much in the bag, but it sure was a big difference! 


(Quite possibly my new favorite word to use throughout this whole process) 

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