
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

au vs. washington st.

It's the most wonderful time of the year! 
When eagles are soaring and tigers are roaring, and everyone cheeeeerrss! 
It's the most wonderful time! 
It's the most wonderful time!
It's the most wonderful time of the yyyeeeeeeaaarrr! 

AHHH I'm so excited football season is here! If you are following along on instagram (ilikewhatimherring) or saw me within the past couple weeks, you know that I had a massive 45 piece order from AuburnArt. This was on top of Etsy orders and an art show. Stressball city! 

I finished most of it up, and took it down to Auburn to continue working before the weekend. I got there on Thursday afternoon, and Friday at lunch, my parentals took me and my sissy to lunch. 

I can't remember if I have mentioned this.. my parents are divorced, but they still get along. They actually work together in Dothan. My dad could care less about football, but mom is all about it, which is where I get it from. Dad works on his old cars at the shop in Opelika, so we're often all in or around Auburn at the same time. And Binky and I never turn down a free meal, especially when it's Amsterdam Cafe. YUM!

I dropped in Auburn Art to deliver some goods and took some pics of my pieces displayed in there. 

And look! I made the window! How exciting! 

Finally gameday rolled around! 

We said hello to sweet baby Cam on the way to the game! 

Murray and I practically ran up the ramp (which explains my amazing hair in the following photos) to see the eagle fly. They release her right where we walk up, and here's a spectacular photo of her in the cage where she's about to take flight.. 

Jk. The cop and peeps were in the way. You can see the camera on the pole to capture her descent above them though. 

My old roomie Kate and her husband Brett sit in my section! Their seats are towards the bottom of the section, so we sat with them to watch the eagle fly, which we just barely caught in time.

And the Wood's practically won the lottery, because we ended up sitting with them the whole game! Thanks to the people who didn't sit in the seats right behind them! 


Some game shots, shall we? 

The sunset was fabulouso! 

Tre Mason running it in on the big screen for a TD. 

My stinker of a sister came up to our seats for the end of them game, and ended up taking these celebratory pictures after we won. 

There were about 7 of them, and all were fuzzy and we weren't looking in any of them. 

Thanks, Binky. She did take this gem though:

Posing in her new tiger head shirt. 

And again. 

Some scenery shots, because I can't get enough of anything Auburn. 

Binky and Charles

Ok, so since they removed the Toomer's Trees (after they were poisoned and were dying), they put up these wires across the intersection of College St. and Magnolia Ave. in front of Toomer's Corner and Toomer's Drugstore for people to roll with toilet paper. You can see where one of the trees was below.

I'll speak for everyone when I say it's pretty weird. 

It's in the middle of the intersection, so they have to clean it up immediately so traffic can go through a few hours after the celebration. 

You can see the tiger paw that's in the middle of the street below. 

They slapped these logos between the wires as well. 

Looking towards where the trees use to stand. So sad. You can see the columns with the eagles towards the right there, and the trees stood on either side. 

After that, the fam headed up to the lake for Labor Day. We had glorious weather and lots of good food! 

The weekend after this, Auburn played Arkansas State. We won again, thank goodness! I had my 10 year class reunion, so I wasn't able to go to the game. Lucky for you, I have lots o' class reunion pics to share! 

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