
Thursday, February 27, 2014

auburn vs uga game

After the Florida Atlantic game, we played Arkansas and Tennessee away. Poor Arkansas had a season reminiscent of the AU season in 2012. Terrible. I was still nervous, because they have been known to sneak up on us in the past. Same with Tennessee. They hadn't been playing great throughout the season, but they were looking good at home. I watched them from home and I recall biting off all my fingernails from nerves, but we won! 

There had been talk all season of Auburn losing every game in November. It was a "fluke" that we beat Texas A&M and seeing as we lost to LSU, no one thought we would make it. Once we beat Arkansas and Tennessee, the two major games were left: UGA and Alabama. 

The weather was pretty good. I usually get a "feeling" about whether we're gonna win or lose. I had a feeling we were gonna win this time. 

Eagle flight!

Binky sat with me at this game before she had to leave for work. We took a pic like the one we had done in College Station. Ya know, for luck and all. 

Close up of ze face tats. 

The Auburn / Georgia rivalry is called The South's Oldest Rivalry. It's one of those games where anything could happen. After being embarrassed last year, we had something to prove. 

Binky left right before halftime. We had a big lead, 27-10 (but let's be honest, it's never big enough to feel ok). 

The second half didn't start out so great. First, my bourbon drink got kicked over. It was completely full because I had made my halftime trip to the concession stand and bathroom (so people don't see me pull out minis at my seat). I brushed it off, begrudgingly.  It's traditions like drinking a couple minis each half that bring us luck, people. 

Then UGA made a big comeback and scored three times in the 4th quarter. We were down 38-36. I was sitting next to couple around my age, trying to make conversation while nervously chewing on my shaker. 

What you probably didn't hear if you watched it on television was with about a minute to go in the game, the entire stadium started chanting "it's great to be an Auburn Tiger!". Chills! I remember cursing my "6th sense feeling" about winning games, but being proud of my team and our fans. 

Murray had to work, but we had plans to meet at Tacorita after the game. He texted me during the first half about how crowded it was going to be downtown. Then Georgia made their miraculous comeback and he sent "oh shit" then "are you going to be able to eat?". I replied that I was MAD. Then this happened: 

And the view from the TV cameras: 

Oh my word. The entire stadium erupted. I bear hugged the couple next to me and shook them while simultaneously jumping up and down. I usually say things like "war eagle!" or "woooo!". Not this time. I screamed like Marv from Home Alone 2 when he gets electrocuted for at least a full five minutes out of shock. Everyone was high-fiveing and hugging. It was glorious. There were a few seconds left on the clock, and good ol' Dee Ford took care of Aaron Murray, giving Auburn the win.

I went down to my mom's seats after the game for more hugging and high-fiveing before taking my celebratory picture with the Woods! 


Murray proceeded to send a "holy shit" text, which was exactly was I was thinking myself haha! 

I practically pranced my happy ass downtown to meet Murray. We had a hard time meeting up since cell service is terrible on game day. I took the time we couldn't find each other to take some celebration pics. 

The wires were practically falling from the weight.

I finally found Murray outside of Auburn Art, so we moseyed in to see the newest piece I had in there. It never gets old to see my stuff in this store! 

We went out to the bars, as usual. While we were at Bodega, DEE FORD, practically the defensive MVP of sealing Auburn wins, jumped on stage with the band to play the keyboard. Multitalented! I was starstruck as usual. 

On Sunday, I probably stayed on youtube for about 4 hours re-watching the miracle play along with fan reactions. This was by far one of my favorite moments:

This gif is call "georgia dies" haha! The feet over the head! Four coaches down! I could not stop laughing. 

I didn't think this game would ever be overshadowed. Everyone said how we would talk about that play for a lifetime, it would be something we would tell our children about.. I was there for the Miracle in Jordan Hare!  Little did we know what was coming! 

Cotton appropriately gave the "TOUCHDOWN, AUBURN!" pose that week. She could hardly contain her excitement! 

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