
Thursday, March 27, 2014

christmas 2013

Well I couldn't really skip over Christmas, now could I? I had several pics from the family and friends gatherings, so I decided it needed to be written about, this being my scrapbook and all.. 

We had a second annual Dothan Girls in Bham Christmas Party! This year was held at Abby's house. We were down a few, Virginia moved to North Carolina for med school, and Ragan was in Bham, but unable to attend. I think I glazed over last year's get together, but Jenny announced to us that she was prego. Naturally this year her precious baby boy Quinn attended the party! 

Abby, Katie, Quinn, Jensen, Jenny, Caroline

There were lots of good ornaments this year! This was one of the favorites: 

Another fav was this light-up tree in a glass ornament. Jenny agrees it was great! 

All the ladies! The boys sat in the kitchen while we played dirty santa for the ornament swap.

Jensen, Jenny, Abby, Caroline, me, Brittany, Katie, and baby Quinn

Abby had the ornament Virginia made for us all last year on her tree, a glass ornament filled with gold painted peanuts! I still have mine as well, and I love it! 

This was the ornament I won this year. It may also be the one I brought… I'm really terrible at playing dirty santa, and I usually bring what I want so I can pick it once my number comes up. 

Like last year, Binky came to help me package up and ship orders in Birmingham. Of course she brought my niecey pup, Possum: 

Cotton is always thrilled when Possum comes to town.. 

After several days of string art-ing, I finally got to go home. I finished stringing on the 23rd, and didn't get to go Christmas shopping until the 24th. Oopsie! Next year, I will be sure to buy everyone's gifts in October to prevent this from happening again.. 

When I got into town, I went to Caroline's house for a get together with some of our high school friends. If you recall, Caroline is one of my BFFs and I rode with her out to Colorado when she moved to Denver back in 2012. 

Caroline, Kathryn, Andrea (with baby #3!), Katie, and me

Now with all the boys. Top: Deavours, Seaborn, Caroline, Doug, Katie, me, Daniel, Bradley, Brad
Bottom: Kathryn, Chris, Andrea, and Binky

The girls doing our best "Jensen" poses since she wasn't able to be with us. (Jens does a pose in almost every pic she's in, so we had to honor that in this shot haha)

I had so much fun catching up with everybody! 

The next day was the 24th.  Neanie stays with us on Christmas Eve as a Herring family tradition, so Santa visits her at our house. 

Dad also does Santa at the house, although he is very picky on what he actually takes with him back to the lake haha! 

The best ma a girl could ask for! 

Thrilled with his Civil War book! 

Neanie modeling her fancy blue scarf. 

Bink and Possum

If you recall from a past post, Cotton won't pose for pictures. She immediately lays down. I think she thinks you're going to give her a belly rub. 

I finally got her sitting up straight and held her head for a shot. She was thrilled.

After we opened our gifts, Binky and I got into our own Christmas spirit with Andre..

Later we gave Possum a cape.

She loved it!

 We had what I call "Big Family Christmas" a few days after the 25th. It's where all the aunts, uncles, and cousins come to celebrate, which is my favorite thing of the holidays! 

Baby Daegan was there! Isn't he precious?!? This was at my aunt's house before we did the big dinner and gift swap.

When my cousin, his auntie, got out her phone, he automatically started saying "CHEEEEESSEE" with his sweet smile. 

Here he is at the big gift swap.

WAY too much excitement! 

He'll learn soon enough how much of a rowdy bunch we are. Not so much rowdy as loud.. 

Here Shelley, currently at Auburn, tries to touch Brother, currently at Alabama, with the AU pillow. Aunt Robin tries to sympathize with Brother, although we all know she's an Auburn fan. 

Ashley, Walker (Terrell's bf), Terrell, and Binky demonstrate how we open gifts. With wine. 

Neanie is basically the queen of Christmas and gets all the gifts! 

Daegan was still overcome with excitement when he received the rocking horse.

All the boys got these garden markers, which we all agreed looked like mustaches, so naturally we made them pose. 

Aunt Terri got all the cousins these knitted hats, and since Brother and Shelley's were their respective school colors, we had to take a pic with the pillow again.. 

Brother was thrilled. 

Of course we all had to pose with the hats

For some reason, Brother and I took a "shortest and tallest" pic. Hilarious!

Neanie with the bb, her great-grandson! She loves him so! 

Pretty soon, we started Dirty Santa. Everyone who is 18 and up gets to play. Like an idiot, I told Binky what I got, and she opened it. We all know I buy what I want so I hope to open it and get to take it with me. It was this awesome leaf blower/leaf vacuum. 

Carrie opened this fry daddy with some oil and pickles to make some fried pickles for all of us. Spoiler alert, I ended up with it! 

Andrea opened a Google Chromecast! 

Binky had a gift card at some point. And wine teeth. 

Ma got a jigsaw and was super pumped (are we related or what?!). 

Once it was all over, it was time to rest..

After all, we had a big California trip coming up :) 

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