
Thursday, June 4, 2015

Auburn vs San Jose State Game

Y'all. I wrote down all the blog posts I want to get out to be caught up, and there are 22 subjects!! TWENTY TWO! OUT OF CONTROL! I can't believe I got so far behind. Just keep swimming, amiright? 

Next up is the San Jose State game! 

As I stated last post, I stay at the lake now for football games since the Payne Street house is rented out. I got there Friday and stayed with ma, dad, and of course the pups. Mom was babysitting Possum since Binky was in Alaska, so of course she came along.

Dad LOOOOOVES her. Not so much my doggies for some reason.. 

So they sleep with me in the ol' twin bed haha.

Katy was with me, she graduated with Binky from high school and is like a little sissy. We rode with mom to Auburn. 

She's so much a little sissy, that she pulled a Binky and borrowed my clothes haha!

They introduced the undefeated 2004 team before the game! The greats like Cadillac, Ronnie Brown, and Jason Campbell played on that team. 

And look who came back! Ol' Coach Tommy Tubs! 

The traditional Auburn pic

and Tigers pic! 

More pics! 

We won! Of course we walked through Toomer's Corner. 

We went to eat at the Hound, and there was a big group of guys sitting down the table from us. We found out they were there for a bachelor party.

Of course, Mom chatted with them for a bit and jumped into a group pic with them haha! 


We had a nice Sunday lake day the next day. Look who came to visit again..


I am determined to make him my BFF and let me touch him. 

Cotton was very curious, and even swam out towards him. 

Dad and Possum came to check out his maters.

A few days later Ma and Poss came up to Birmingham..

and we played tug o' war to determine who got to go visit Binky in Alaska! 

I won! 

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