
Thursday, January 21, 2016

new toomer's corner trees!

Last February, my dear sweet beardy appeased this Auburn fan for Valentine's Day by going to Auburn for the planting of the new Toomer's Trees! 

I don't particularly like V-day (feelings, ew), but it was a Saturday and this was going on in the Loveliest Village on the Plains, so I had to be there (especially since I was there for the removal back in 2013).  

We stayed at the lake and arrived in Auburn a little later than intended, but still got to partake in celebrating! 

I walked around to get several angles of the new members of the AU family. 

They have some filling out to do! 

Both of them together looking towards the corner. 

I got Honks to do my infamous pose :D 

Of course I had to do it as well! 

Why, yes, I am wearing game day colors. I am my mother's daughter. 

Ol' Holks was very brave wearing an FSU hat up in here.. 

My happy place! 

We went to the Hound for some mimosas and delicious treats. You should check it out if you're in Auburn, it's delicious. 

Welcome home, Toomer's Trees! May your roots grow as deep as my love for this place, and branches grow full as the Auburn family's spirit! 


Finishing out the next couple of weeks of February, my sweet Bo baby was hard at work as usual. 

I drove down to the beach to see Honks and took this picture out the window. The clouds! The barn! Love! 

Honky's neighbors had a party and this was on the menu: 

Yep, A GOAT! I'm guessing it was a stew of sorts. I kept watching for the slaughtering  beginning of his journey to become dinner, but never saw it. Instead I caught them hosing off the porch. RIP goatie boy! 

We tried to go out on the beach. It was eerily gray and foggy. 

This lasted all of ten minutes due to the intense wind. 

On the way back to Birmingham, I stopped at one of my favorite restaurants in Dothan to order some cheese breadsticks for my dinner and ride up north. I then stopped to get some gas, and when I got back in my car, BO HAD EATEN THEM ALL. 

He knew he'd messed up and wouldn't look at me whenever I questioned him "WHAT DID YOU DO?!". 


I still love that little rascal though! 

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