
Monday, January 25, 2016

terrell's savannah bachelorette trip!

My dear sweet cousin Terrell got married last year, and of course we had to have a bachelorette party before the big day! We went to Savannah, and there were several cousins and friends there for the fun. 

Below L to R, Terrell, Ashley, me, Ashton, and Binky driving. 

A little background, Terrell and Ashley are sisters (along with Shelley, who met us there), Binky and I are sisters and are cousins with Terrell and Ashley on both our moms' side, and Ashton is a cousin from their dad's side. 

What could be better than Chick-fil-a breakfast?! 


This champagne chiller made for a great 40oz. beer coozie. 

Shelley brought her selfie stick along for some pics. 

We went to dinner at a yummy place while we waited for more of the girls to arrive. 

Ohhh cuzzies! 

It was St. Patrick's Day weekend, and the town was crowded! 

We went to a few bars before heading in for the night. 

The next day we walked to our planned activity. Savannah is so pretty! 

One of the girl's brought these cutie cute coozies! 

Our activity for the day was a PEDAL PUB CRAWL! hahaha! 

In case you're not familiar, a pedal pub crawl is where you saddle up on this little trolley with pedals, and you "bike" yourself to several bars around the town. 

There's a driver who steers and plays the music of your choice. Naturally there was a lot of Beyonce :) 

We had tons of fun! 

Somewhere along the way, we grabbed some St. Patty's Day garb. 

Me with the bride to be! 

We got a pic with the whole group after it was over, which included another bachelorette party. 

I love a good neon sign. This one reminded me of my logo fish. 

We had some lunch downtown, then walked leapt back to the hotel. 

Love my cuzzie Ashley! 

I have an obsession with giant trees. This one is no exception. 

Per usual, Binks was not thrilled with my scenery photo taking. 

We got ready for dinner that evening, and it was delicious! Afterwards, we went to a bar around the corner. Shelley sent this to our other cousin, Brother:

Honks is officially a part of the cuzzie group now! haha! 

I loved the art on the walls of this bar:

Later, we went to a little less.. sophisticated joint. 

and sang our little hearts out! 

And danced the night away! This might be the best pic of T I got all weekend. :) 

Of course hula Bink made an appearance!

I had the best time with my fam jam! The wedding was even better.. :) 

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