
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

terrell's wedding

If you're just now joining us, I'm about a year behind, but I'm furiously trying to catchup! So many things going on that I want to document! 

My sweet cousin Terrell got married last April in Nashville. Naturally, our family loves a good gathering, so there are tons of pics with all of us. Get ready! 

The night before we were all at the rehearsal dinner. A bunch of us got some photos with the matriarch, Neanie! 

(top L to R: Shelley, Bink, Ashley, Brother, Andrea, Stephanie
bottom: me, Neanie!)

Now just the cuzzies! 

Terrell and Walker arrived shortly after the party had begun! Terrell is wearing Neanie's wedding dress (that four of our aunt's had worn as well). She had it altered into a cocktail dress, and so nicely asked all of us if that was ok!

Nean and the bride! She was so excited! 

Dothan cuzzies! 

My cousin Brother could be a model, fo sho.

One with ma! Our colors were so nicely coordinated. 

Mean muggin' Dothan cuzzies again. 

Cousin Natalie arrived in time for some pics! 

If past family posts have shown you anything, it's that we take the same groupings of pics, so you know we had to do a 5 sisters with Neanie photo. 

Aunt Ruby, Aunt Terri, Aunt Carol, Aunt Dale, and my ma. 

After the yummy buffet and fantastic speeches, so people hung around the open bar for just a bit. Then Bink noticed the mic lying on the table.. instant karaoke. 

So funny! 

me and the bride! 

Sissies with the bride 

We went back to the hotel bar for some more libations. 

We might've had a little too much fun.. fireball shots were involved. 

Serious pose game. 

Uncle Clyde got behind the bar at some point. Hilarious! 


The next day was the Bridal Luncheon! Here are all the girls in Terrell's fam from both sides. 

(top L to R: Stephanie, me, Terrell, Bink, Andrea, Ashley, Laura
bottom: Mary Virginia, Carrie, Shelley, Ashton, Natalie) 

It was held at one of the most BEAUTIFUL homes I've ever seen. It belongs to Terrell's at-the-time boss. So pretty. 

The food was beautifully done as well. 

Christmas card? 

Binky was in the wedding, and she had just gotten her hair done, so naturally she wanted photo evidence. 

Side note: I miss my long ass hair! 

Speeches and the set up with all the ladies

Sweet cousin Ashley

me, Andrea, and Natalie

Gettin' hair did. 

I (obviously) didn't take pictures during the ceremony. It was quite the ordeal getting to the church. The shuttle that was suppose to pick us up didn't ever come.. and we had the bride's parents and grandparents with us. SO, we all ended up jumping into each others cars, were about 20 minutes late to the ceremony, which was pushed back until the family arrived. 

Besides that, everything else went smoothly! 

We all hung around for family photos after the ceremony. 

Aunt Ruby! 

She wanted to take a Rachel-face pic. Of course I obliged! 

Sissy pic! 

The food was yummy and the venue was great! 

Found some Greenville friends, Carey and Katherine! 

Such a sweet first dance with Uncle Al! 

I made Brother my date since Honks couldn't make it to Nashville!

me and Ma! 

I took a MILLION dance floor pics. ENJOY! 

I got a couple of pics with the happy couple during a band break. 

Andrea's dress was gorgeous!! 

She got to show it off to everyone when she caught the bouquet! :) 


View of the city from the venue

After the reception, we moseyed to a bar downtown. 

They had KARAOKE! My favorite! Obvi I sung bohemian rhapsody. 

Cousin Shelley snap chatted it haha

A glorious time was had by all! I can't wait to get together again, I just love my fam jam! 

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