
Tuesday, April 12, 2016

bodega's final farewell

This post could also be titled "where everybody knows your name", because Bodega, our favorite bar in Auburn, was our Cheers. They closed their doors on the last weekend of May in 2015. TEAR! 

I went down and stayed with Caroline (Binky's Caroline, not my BFF from 5k) with Binky. When we got in town, we went to Momma G's for some traditional nachos and beer before we went to dinner. Yummmmm. 

A Possum-like pup was on my glass, so I had to document. 

We went to the Hound for dinner before moseying over to Bodega. I should note that Bodega was what this bar use to be named, before they renamed it to "The Bank Vault", however no one ever called it that. Unless you were a freshman. 

Cousin Andrea came to have a couple drinks with us!

America's Next Top Model was still on point from the weekend before. 

Caroline and Binky

Ben, Caroline, Hunter

Downtown Auburn was a MESS! They were ripping up the streets to lay down pavers. It took all summer, and there were only a few places you could enter and exit the sidewalks. 

That didn't stop us! We were back on the patio the next afternoon after some lunch at Hamilton's. 

Yep, we did this to reserve our spot. 

I know I say "Christmas Card!" whenever we take a sissy pic, but this photo was our Christmas card this year. 

Bartender Dan hammin' it up! 

This building use to be the old Auburn Bank. You can just barely see the original vault door in the pic above to the far left. 

Cousin Shelley came by for a bit and we walked down to Live Oaks for dinner. 

Auburn baseball was on, and we were doing really well! Everyone was into the game. Same scene when we walked back to Bodega. 

The band had begun, and the patio was slam full. 

Colbs posin' on the staircase.

I made a new friend, but I can't recall her name! She was super sweet. 

Soon enough, the night was over! 

Time to close the bar..

.. and say goodbye.

Ben is wondering why we're so mushy about our favorite spot closing haha!

Just about all these guys went to the Hound and the Depot, soon-to-be-opened (at the time). 

I already miss this place! Football season 2015 just wasn't the same with it gone and not having a place to go grab a beer and chill without a MILLION people around. 

RIP Bodega!

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