
Wednesday, June 8, 2016

august 2015

August 2015 brought about my cousin Andrea's graduation from Auburn! Of course I had to make the trip. And wear orange and blue. :)

The fam jam that could come: 
Aunt Robin, Aunt Dale, Uncle Clyde, Shelley, mom, Andrea, Brother, Aunt Terri, Uncle Al
me and Neanie 

I had nicer shoes, but I was running late and had to SPRINT from the track to the Auburn Arena. 

All the Auburn cuzzies that were present! 

Shelley, Andrea, moi

I've been to several Auburn graduations, and my most favorite part is when they ask all the alumni in the audience to stand. (I'm a dork, and I'm proud of it. )

Our whole group including the Yelverton's neighborhood family. 

We had lunch at Shelley's cute little house afterwards. Aunt Robin had made this cake that was delicious. 

Brother decided to take the best looking piece! :)


Now with the Neanster

I went to the lake after the ceremony and hung out with my daddio and the pups. 

This boy loves to boat ride!

I made another two state string art when I arrived home. Bo is never far away when I'm taking pictures. 

Or anytime really.. here is is waking me up by sitting on my back. 

I made this logo for Tootie Greens, our farmhouse that we built back in the day. My mom worked to get it ready to rent out for events, and of course I helped with the logo and social media! I need to write a post about it to show y'all the interior shots. 

MOOSE! My roommate Mollie's pup. Such a cutie cute!

I got to meet my friends Brittany and Drew's little nugget Collins! She is precious! Of course I am not a natural, so Britt took my pic in all my uncomfortableness. lol

I headed back to the beach towards the middle of August. Naturally I got some drinks with my bestie Caroline!

Honks and I drove over to Tallahassee for his grandfather's 90th birthday.

I finally got to meet Maverick!! Sally (Honky's sister) trains horses, and this was a baby of one of her mares. He is so stinking cute. I stalked him daily on facebook from his birth until I got to meet the sweet nugget. 

I want one!

Clearly best of friends, we both love bud light. 

He's spotted on one side, and completely white on the other. He needed a bath this day, but he cleans up real nice :)

Just hanging with his mama!

He didn't want us to leave! Sweet bb!

Here's my sweet baby once I returned to Bham.

Jenny (one of my friends from high school that also lives in Bham) had a bday party for her sweet little man Quinn who turned two. He is so smart, y'all! Future doctor like his parents, I'm sure. I tried to get him in a pic, but he was too excited about the bubbles and kiddie pool to get in the shot.

There had to have been 30 kids there. Of course I brought mine: I got a picture with my "newborn" Bud below. :)

I received a new big ol' 70lb shipment of nails! 

Very much needed for the forrest of trees I needed to create. 

I made these new paw prints. Love! 

One day in August, facebook alerted me to the fact that it was national dog day, so I went outside to get some pics of my babies. I got this gloriously happy shot of Cotton ball! 

I got one of them both looking at the camera (after dozens of outtakes).

Later in August, mom, the pups, and myself traveled to Nashville to visit Binky. 

The poor pups had to sit on top of each other because I was taking part in this art show of sorts. 

It was a dinner for the Auburn women's club in Nashville. There was a catered dinner, speakers, giveaways, and different vendors. 

Sweet Binks and mom totally helped with the mad rush of people coming to my table! I think I was the only one selling stuff, which was AWESOME for business! 

They had a little tree to roll like Toomer's Corner. 

Binky and I went out that evening and had tons of fun. The next day, we helped Binky go purchase stuff to bring her room together. I got to flex my interior design muscles for this, and loved every second of it! Sadly the only pic I got of the room was one bink took of me laying on the new bedding. Not pictured were new curtains, rug, lamp, etc. 

We headed home that Sunday. 

Back to the real world again. Wah wahhh! 

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