
Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Isn't that a lovely palindrome? Do you know what it stands for? 

Do What You Say You Will Do. 

I have been slowly changing my bedroom design, and I am looking for a very specific bedside table to paint. It's a piece of furniture called a lowboy, like this:

It doesn't have to look exactly like this, but I REALLY want it to have rounded legs and at least two drawers. I keep finding really nice ones around for like $130, and you should know by now, I will not pay that much for thrifty furniture, especially if I'm going to paint it. SOOO miracle of miracles, I found one on Craigslist for $30. I immediately contacted the lady, but I wasn't going to be able to pick it up until the next week. She ended up giving me her phone number, and we talked on the phone to set up a time and place to meet. She told me she was going to remove the listing and assured me it was FINE if we waited until the next week to make the switch.

WELLLLL I emailed her the day before we were going to meet to confirm everything. This is the response I got:

sorry, sold it two days ago

Pardon my letters, but WTF!!! UGGGHHH!! I got seriously heated. I immediately wrote her back and reminded her that she told me it was fine if we waited, and that she had assured me she was going to remove the listing. I almost wrote DWYSYWD!!!! But I didn't.. 

Of course she didn't write back. 

So, everyone, just dwysywd, ok? If you say you're going to remove a listing, remove it. Lawd knows I need to be good about it is well, but SHEESH! We had just discussed that damn table. 

Are you tired of me going on and on about this??

I think I'm so mad because I've been look for months for this specific type of table. 

Ok, I'm done. 

Feel free to let me know if you see one around, k? 

Ok, for real now. Done with the table.

Let's have a look at some of the pictures that have aided in the inspiration of the bedroom makeover, shall we?! 

This photo below was my initial thought on the colors for the bedroom. But then I thought "didn't I want to get away from blue and white?" because that's basically what this is.

And although the look is lovely, it's not quite me. Not spicy enough. 

must. not. mention. bedside. table...

This look below is a little bit closer! I really dig that headboard and mirrored bedside table. 

This look below is even closer. You know I dig color. 

The room below helped to define my color palette (with more oranges than red). 

DING DING DING! These colors are perfect! Blues, greens, teals, and a splash of orange. 

This look was a little to saturated for me, but for some reason, I'm really drawn to it. Maybe it's the many shades of yellow with that awesome dark teal?

This has been a favorite of mine for a long time! It's darker than what my bedroom will be, but it's the same colors with the teals, greens, blues, and orange. Ooooo wee, I love that high gloss teal wall! 

Here's another room that uses orange. I love all the patterns in here! 

So there ya go, ladies and gents! There are a couple more on my bedroom makeover Pinterest board if you wanna check them out! Hopefully my bedroom will look as great as these! There are still many things that need to be done to finish her up, so I'll slowly be revealing projects as they get finished. 

Project Hint: I'm going to break out my saws this weekend! EEE! 

Cross your fingers that i dont cut off mine! 

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