
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

new states

If this weekend had a name, it would be called Ditto, because I did pretty much the exact same thing I did a couple of weekends ago.. string art, painted frames, and made some tin flags.. with one exception. The string arts were ALL etsy orders. Can you believe it?! I had 8 come in.. EIGHT! I only finished four so far, but I finally got out of the deep south with the states.. 


Austin is the city on this one. 

I had a helper with me while I took pictures.. 

And the next three were for one customer. She wanted the place where she's from, the place where her hubs is from, and the place where they live now. How sweet! 

First was Jacksonville, FL. 

Yep, still had a helper. 

Denver, Colorado up next.

What a difficult shape, eh? 

Then was Magnolia, Arkansas. 

She's hanging them together, so she requested the boards be the same size. 

Texas just happened to look the best in a square as well. 

And of course, never too far away..

My sweet babies. 

In other Etsy news, I sold my first refurbished item! The gold horse head bookends! EEE!

I made a brand new tin piece today, and I'm halfway through another new fancy big piece of art, so I'm hoping to be able to show y'all something new soon!

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