
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

my tv debut and artwalk info!

I did my TV segment this morning! EEE! If you recall from the post yesterday, I was on Talk of Alabama this morning on ABC 33/40. Here is a link to the video (terribly sorry, it wouldn't allow me to embed it):

Woowoo! By no means perfect, but I think it went pretty well! Some pictures, shall we?! (Because you know I can't go anywhere without acting like a tourist taking pictures)

I arrived right on time at 8:30am, and they gave me a cart to load up all my art. You know I couldn't just bring 2-3 pieces..

They took me back a little early to get setup. Once I got my art in place, I took some pictures of my stuff and the studio. 

I met Scottie, the chef who did the cooking segment, and he was my instant BFF! He pretty much told me the ropes of what was going to happen. Thanks, Scottie! 

He made a delicious Greek meatloaf and Greek potato salad, which happens to include my favorite ingredients: meat, potatoes, and feta cheese. It. was. awesome. 

It went by pretty fast! They did the opening segment, then the first part of the cooking segment, then me! 

Afterwards, I had to quietly load up all my stuff onto the cart because there was another segment later in the show at the table where my stuff was. I did, however, get to stay in there to watch the rest of the show! 

Of course I had to get a picture with the lovely anchors after it was over! 

At the end, they let everyone hang out and eat the food from the cooking segment. Yummy! 

Did you notice the one thing I forgot to mention??


Jeez, that was one of the main reasons for me going on the show this week! It's ok though. One of my lovely friends, Sherri Ross, wrote this awesome article for Magic City Post today that talked about Artwalk and featured my art! Yay! Sherri is one of my biggest cheerleaders, has totally helped to promote my art as a social networking genius, and she is just all-around awesomesauce! She blogs here at (high five for last name bloggies!) so go give her a visit and tell her I sent ya! 

Isn't that header design awesome? I've ogled it for a while now, and I was so excited for my art to be on the top of the home page! EEE! 

And for the third exciting thing that happened today, I got TONS of new likes on the ol' bloggie Facebook page! I just needed a few more to merge the two pages I had, and you guys just totally came to the rescue x1000! THANKS Y'ALL! I'll be merging the two soon, so be on the lookout!  

Today has been a very good day here in my little fish tank (aka my world). I seriously tap danced at work today several times because I was that excited about all this coming together! 

Here's some quick info about Artwalk. Have I mentioned it's a free event? There is no fee to attend, and there's art and music! Who wouldn't want to come to this?! 

Dates and Times:
Friday September 7   5:00pm to 10:00pm
Saturday September 8   12:oopm to 6:00pm 

My location:
Easy Street
2209 1st Ave North Birmingham, AL 35209
(next to Matthew's Bar and Grill/M Lounge)

I'll be down there towards the bottom left where the number 2209 is located!


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