
Monday, October 1, 2012

breast cancer awareness month!

Heeeyyyy yoooouuuuu guyysssss! It's October 1st! You know what that means, right?! It's breast cancer awareness month! Let the pink takeover! 

Most of you probably know this, but my dear sweet mom had breast cancer about 8 years ago. Thankfully she has been healthy and well for a while now! I'm glad I live in Birmingham so whenever she comes up here for her checkups we get to have spend the night parties (or yard work parties. or see how much food we can eat parties. or see if I can sneakily make her take me shopping parties.). She was diagnosed in October 2004 (BC month), and we never missed an opportunity to buy something that supported the cause! Ma is always wearing some combination of orange, blue and pink (because we all know she has to support Auburn too!).

Note the pink bracelet (in the midst of orange and blue ones)..

This was 2010 right after Auburn beat Georgia and we knew we were going to the SEC championship game. Mom had also broken her wrist that year, and only managed to miss ONE game (which was the week she broke it). 

Anyhow, back on subject.. I LOVE when everything turns pink! Here is the Vulcan statue here in Birmingham.

Samford Hall in Auburn is one of the many buildings on campus that turns pink! And you KNOW I love me some Sammy.

Of course my sweet baby Cam wears pink for the cure! 

And because just one isn't enough..

You're so pretty, Cammy Cam.. swoon..

Well of course you know I had to contribute in my own way, so I made some breast cancer pink ribbon string arts! 

The big one below is gold with pink string. This picture is midway through.. the sun was going down and I wanted to get a picture with halfway decent lighting..

All finished! 

Note the heart in the middle. Big thanks to David McMath for suggesting that! 

The big one is 11"x14" like the regular sized state string arts. 

     I also made these smaller ones that are about 6"x5.5". I made this one gray with light pink string, but I have several different color boards waiting to be finished (and I can use the dark or the light string)! 

There are also a couple of smaller ones with hearts in them waiting to be created. 

They're all a little different because I have been free handing the ribbon before nailing it. I made listings for these on Etsy, and I'll be giving 20% of the sales to Susan G. Komen for the Cure foundation! If you want to order one, CLICK HERE! If you'd like a different color board, just let me know and I can accommodate you. 

Think pink, y'all! 

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