
Sunday, October 21, 2012

weekend adventures

Howdy folks! I haven't been doing a good job at updating the ol' bloggie lately, but that's good for you because now you get a big post choc full of pictures! Woop woop! 

Two weekends ago, I went down to Auburn for the Arkansas game. Since it was a dumb 11:00am kickoff, I decided I would bring my nice camera along for some pics since I could walk it back to the house before going out (I'm very protective of that thing..).   


Gah I just can't get enough of Samford Hall. If you tallied all of the pictures I post of him on my blog, I'm sure the number would be in the triple digits.

SO the MAIN THING I wanted to get a picture of with my nice camera was the eagle flying. I was a crazy lady about waking up early and marching to the stadium to see the flight. If you know me at all, you know this was quite the task (waking up early that is). I usually roll into the 11am games halfway through the first quarter. I was so proud of myself for getting there in time. 

Well. Wouldn't ya know, THE EAGLE FLEW FROM A DIFFERENT SIDE!!!!! UUGHGHGHGHGHHH. The eagle ALWAYS flies from the ramp under the flag, which just so happens to be the one I walk up. I got there a bit early, so I found a good spot where I could get some shots of her coming out of the carrier. The announcer comes on and says something like "Ladies and gentlemen, please cast your attention to the center of the field for a special presentation!" And I was all like "where the eff is the eagle?!" and then the crowd started chanting "warrrrrrrrrrrrrr". To my horror, I realized they let her go on the complete other side of the stadium. How rude! This turned my "best place for an eagle pic" spot into "the worst possible place to stand for a shot of the eagle" spot. Curses! 

Oh well. We moseyed to the seats to watch the rest of the pre-game festivities. 

Gameday dates! Binky and Caroline came to sit in the "adult" section (aka, the non-student section). 

Murray was my gameday date! He's a bammer, but so nicely wore navy for the game!

My ma and her bff Francis. They wore pink for breast cancer month. How cute! 


We didn't win the game, so we took it as an opportunity to take silly pics walking down the ramp.

"Take my picture"

So seksi. 

"Get a picture of our butts."

"Let's go to the baaaaarrrrr!"

And to the bar we went. We had to drown our sorrows somehow, now didn't we? We walked through Toomer's Corner on the way. So so sad. 

Maybe we're losing games to save the trees. No win means no toilet paper, right?!

One is looking a little better than the other. 

Sammy in the back!

The infamous Toomer's Drugs. 

I stopped taking pictures for some reason, but we went to the bar for a bit before heading home (I had to drop off my camera, duh) and watched the LSU Florida game. Siiiigh. Losing is killing me. Especially losing at home. LOCK IT UP, BOYS. 

The next weekend wasn't much better game-wise, but luckily I was preoccupied with the art show at Ross Park! EEEE! I bought a tent to use. She's pretty fancy with the windows..

My ma and Binky came to help since I had been sick earlier in the week. I wasn't suppose to be lifting anything heavy, so they were a HUGE help in getting everything setup. 

All the string art!

Cards, prints, and pet paintings! Ma brought some candy to help lure people over (it promptly melted). 

Aw wee, look at that cute little helper! 

I put a rope on the tin Bama that I made a few weeks ago. I need to make more of these suckers and paint 'em up pretty. 

Binky helped document me with all the goodies at the art show.


Workin' the sell. 

The cards were a big hit! 

As I mentioned before, there were FREE wine and beer tastings! Bink documented me standing in line for some haha! 

My glorious helpers! Ma had her hand up, and when I told her to move it, I got the next few poses..

There were about 12 more I didn't put on here hahaha. 

Katie and Bradley came to the show! Katie's laughing at Bradley's hand holding attempt. What a creeper tehehe!

That's all folks! 

I made some sales and good contacts, and have already had several orders from people after the show! EEE! 

I have some big news. BIG. HUGE. I'm planning an epic bloggie post to reveal it, so be on the lookout for that this week! IT'S SUPER EXCITING!

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