
Thursday, December 13, 2012

stream of consciousness

Hello everyone! Are you ready for some randomness? 

I have been uber busy completing Christmas orders, but I have had a little time to squeeze in a bit o' fun. Last Saturday, the Dothan ladies who live in Birmingham had a brunch at Virginia's house. Y'all. I WILL be doing a house dive at V's house. It is totally my style and super cute/modern/awesome and everyone needs to see it! She even has the DIY bug, and has multiple projects she's completed. She also has several mid-century modern pieces, and you KNOW I can't get enough of those. I can't wait to show everyone! 

From left to right: Katie, Jenny, me, Virginia, Caroline, Megan, Ragan, and Brittany. Class of 2003, y'all! 

Not only did Virginia cook a delicious brunch, but she made us these ornaments as well! In case you didn't realize, Dothan is the peanut capital of the world (and naturally we have the annual Peanut Festival), so the ornaments were perfect for all of us. I love it! 

 My roomie Kate and I decorated the house for Christmas last week. I haven't taken pictures of everything yet, but I did get a shot of the nativity I set up today. I realized the white ceramic fish looks like he could be part of the set. I thought about switching him out for the time being, but instead I'm calling him franken-fish and pretending the wise men brought him. 

I got this nativity from the thrift store right after Christmas last year for about $10. What a deal! It's white porcelain I do believe. I wouldn't mind painting them a different color at some point. Maybe gold? We'll see. 

I gave Cotton and Diesel their flea/heartworm meds today, and they HATE taking it. Diesel held the pill in his mouth and proceeded to make this hilarious face. Luckily my camera was right on the edge of the table, so I was able to capture it. Too funny!

As I mentioned, I've been bunkered down working on Christmas orders so they'll arrive to people in time for the 25th! Here is one of my favorites: 

It's Dothan with a light blue background and red string. 

I did a bulk order for City Arts Boutique here in Birmingham for TEN string arts.

I also did a bulk order for Auburn Art a couple days ago. Here I am at the art show there back in November (just so you can picture where those string arts went).

Besides those big orders, I've been chugging away at Etsy orders. Whenever I make a new string art that I haven't done before, I take pictures with my nice camera. I haven't posted any lately since I've been doing several that I've already shown you (and how many times do you want to see the same Texas string art?). 

Texas is by far the most ordered state from my Etsy shop, but I do have a couple of new states requested, so I'll be sure to show them to you once they're complete! 

In addition to all these babies, I have several pet paintings to complete by Christmas. I finished one earlier today, and once it's delivered, I'll show it to you!

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