
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

au vs. ole miss week

Another riveting title! 

 Before I get started (just to recap all the game weekends), I need to update week 4. We played LSU down in Baton Rouge. It was the first time I hadn't been to an AU/LSU game in 7 years. I have gone down there the past 3 times we played in BR, and of course I went to the ones in Auburn. I'm making the trek to College Station, TX this weekend, so I opted out of going to Baton Rouge (le sigh). We played a good game, but sadly didn't win. I'm convinced that if it wasn't raining we could've pulled it off. Oh and if ol' Nick Marshall hadn't worn that damn glove, he probably would've thrown better in the first half. 

If the glove makes you throw like shit, you must a-quit wearing it!

We lost 35-21, however we looked spectacular in the second half. Onwards! 

The week before the Auburn/Ole Miss game was a good 'un. Birmingham is hosting these pop-up shops in different locations around the city throughout October. The first one was downtown, and new roomie Mollie and I went down there to check it out. 

It was very cool. They had different vendors in different locations along a part of 3rd Ave N in Birmingham. 

There were artists, fashion designers, food vendors, live music, etc., but my favorite was Yellowhammer Creative. I discussed them in the last post with the Edward Sharpe poster I bought. 

Don't you looooove them?! I bought another print, but sadly I didn't take a picture. It was of the "It's nice to have you in Birmingham" ad from back in the day screen printed with a green/blue background.

Nifty little mural pieced together with regular printer paper. 

It was so fun! They had free food and beer samples. Last week they were in East Lake, and this week they're in Ensley. It's different shops every week, so you need to check it out if you haven't already! 

 I realize this is a little stream of consciousness, but look what Cotton did to my beautiful patio!!!! 

She dug up an entire paver. I was so mad at her, but poor girl has a big ol' scab on her nose from it. I know she was chasing the cutest little infestation I've had recently..


Gah they're so cute. I seen them before, but lately there have been a ton around the wood pile and by the side porch. 

On Friday night of game weekend, Binky and I went to a Sigur Ros concert here in Birmingham. I won tickets from Birmingham Mountain Radio (of course). I was introduced to this band years ago. They're from Iceland, and I have no clue what they're saying, but it is.. magical? I can't explain it. It gives me chills. 

We were super close to the stage.

Here's a video for Heysatan, which means haystack in Icelandic (thanks google). It's one of the first songs I was introduced to.

And here is Hoppipolla, which means "jumping into puddles". Some of my best friends used this at their wedding to walk back down the aisle. Chills! 

It was so. good. 

The only thing that would've made it better would be if we were in the Icelandic countryside. Maybe one day..  

Funny thing.. they kept blasting these bright lights during certain songs. Binky and I both would recoil in eye pain, and NO ONE ELSE WAS FAZED! Do we have the sensitive eye gene? You could clearly see the whole audience when it flashed and no one was moving or even blinking. Weird! 

This picture even hurts my eyes. We had moved to the top of the section towards the end. I doubt this band will ever be in this area again, so I'm glad I got to see them! 

We left after the show to head back to Auburn. My roomie Mollie came too! We got there right at 2am to see all the people coming out of the bars.

Saturday, gameday was in full swing, and a few of my lovely sorority sisters were in town. 

Me, Beth, Johnny, Kate, Jackie, and Tyler. 

Here is my roomie Mollie! She went to Ole Miss, which is why she's wearing red. 

Smalls joined the group. 

Soon it was time to head to the stadium, but beforehand we had to go pickup Jackie's tickets..

from Charles Barkley! 

No lie! Her mom knows him through events in Birmingham, and she called him up to see if he could get tickets for Jackie. He could! In fact Jackie got his number and was texting and calling him to find his tailgating spot. Is she a VIP or what?! Of course being the starstruck Auburn fan that I am, I was so excited when she let me tag along. He talked to us for a minute and let us get a picture. So exciting! 

On the way to the game, I ran into my cousin Andrea, who is a junior at Auburn. When I was in college, I would always run into my cousin Terrell before games and we would win if we took a picture together. A Newman family/gameday miracle, if you will. I practically forced Andrea take a picture with me to ensure that we won the game. 

I made her hands-on-hips pose with me haha! 

It was a glorious day, even though it was hotter than I thought it would be. The pic below is of the eagle flight. Can you see her? She is just barely visible to the left of the 40 yard line to the left of the AU towards the center of the field.

This was the Military Appreciation game, and there was a flyover! 

Man, I love a flyover. 

Can you tell?

Another sunset shot!

And a good ol' orange and blue sky never gets old, amiright? 

I walked down to see the Woods who, if you recall, sit in my section (Kate was my old roomie and married Brett, who went to Auburn, so Kate is now an AU fan. WOO!). 

I sat with Mollie, Kate, Beth, and Johnny throughout the game. Murray came over for the second half. Since Mollie is an Ole Miss fan, I kept saying things like "WAARR EAAGLLEE WOOOO!.. I'm sorry." I couldn't contain my excitement, but I didn't want to be rude! haha

We won the game! It was a bit of a nail biter at the end, but we pulled it off. Of course we walked downtown afterwards to the wires. 

I can't wait for next year when trees will be back up. 

War damn! 

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