
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

west elm birmingham grand opening!

A couple of weeks ago was the big West Elm grand opening! The official one was on Thursday night, but they had a "soft opening" on Wednesday night. 

Let's rewind just a bit. When they contacted me, they wanted a dark wood stain, like several of the pieces in my Etsy shop, but they also wanted a light wood stain. Done and done. 

I was super giddy about dropping them off. Of course I snapped a pic before walking in.

Then I posted it to IG, tagged West Elm Birmingham, and they put it on their facebook page! 

There were tons of people working in there to get everything set up and in place. It looked awesome! That's when I was told about the soft opening, so of course I planned to come. It was so much fun! You can see the string art hanging on the wall below, next to the window. We saw it as we pulled up to park from outside! 

There was a line when we got there with people checking off names on a list! Fancy! Once we got inside, they had champagne, beer and wine, and some finger food. It was packed! There was even a DJ, seen below.  

Everything looked awesome. 

There were other Etsy artists' work sprinkled throughout the store with these little signs. 

How exciting!

Mollie and Murray came with me.

Are they the best or what?! 

My work was in two different areas of the store! 

I ended up coming back on Thursday since a few of my friend's were coming then too, and the manager told me that they had sold all but one of my pieces! Within one day! Woo! I recently got a new order from their corporate office (EEE!), so I'm hoping to have them restocked soon!

At the end of the week, I was at Art and Music on the Green out at Ross Bridge in Hoover. 

I love this art show! The atmosphere is always so nice, and the weather has been great the past two years I've done it. 

Also, this:

free beer and wine tastings!

Murray was a big ol' help with loading, unloading, toting, and possibly most important, getting refills on the refreshments! 

Thanks, Mur! 

What a good week! 

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